We Are Loved



As part of the Medical Intuitive class I’m taking, once a week we partner with another student and we practice reading each other’s energy.  Eventually each of us will have our own Intuitive practice where we give readings as a profession.  I am amazed at how the information comes and at how accurate it is.  My partners don’t know me and I don’t know them.  Yes we attend a conference call class once a week, but they don’t know the details of my life.  I have gotten profound readings with precise accuracy from my classmates and I have given them the same.

I wanted to share some information I received during one of the readings I was giving because it had a significant impact on me.  As I was reading into what was blocking my partner’s connection to Source or God Energy, I saw her mother there.  My partner did not feel loved or cared for and didn’t get the kind of attention she longed for at a young age.  This had carried with her into teenage years and was still there now as I was reading her energy at that moment.  I sympathized because I did not have a close or functional relationship with my own mom.  I’ve personally done a lot of healing in my life with that.  I love my mom very much and through Buddhism learned compassion and that everything in our past makes us who we are today in the present.  Living with our thoughts focused on suffering from the past or worrying about the future is futile.  All we truly have is this very moment of existence.  Although I made peace with my mom in many ways, different experiences have a way of peeling layers off like an onion only to reveal more that needs to heal.

As my partner was then energetically aligned with Source or God Energy, I was able to see what she needed to heal from this.  I was emotionally overwhelmed with a knowing that we are innately cared for and attended to by this energy which we share with Source, our guides, our angels.  Every breath we take down to every cell dividing in our bodies.  Every part of our existence matters and is cared for.  It may not have been by a certain person in your life and that’s ok.  It doesn’t have to be because it already is.

Love and Light.
