A Reading for My Throat Chakra


Photo source: (Unsplash) Julia Caeser


An intuitive reading of my throat chakra from my partner in my Medical Intuitive Class

 at Sage School of Light:

(All images are seen in the mind’s eye or seen energetically from the third eye.  Keep in mind, my partner does not know my personal life or childhood issues.)

Reading the throat chakra, I see a circular object with infrared rays around it. like waves going into the throat…a lot of children and a boy.  Your boy.  Your relationship is very communicative, joy, you are very close.  He is wanting a lot of your attention.  You get each other on a spirit level.  I see you feel the safest with your kids, letting them see who you are.

Now I see a very tranquil setting, deer, a cute Bambi near a lake.  It feels like a lot of your thoughts are tranquil, solitude, kept to yourself, personal.

I see a chamber from you to God, increased connection, putting a lot of energy into first going to God and your first means of connection.

I see most of your time expressing yourself.  “Freedom of Expression” coming in for you.  Expressing your truth hasn’t been easy for you.  I see a little blue spot of truth coming from a little canal.  Your work is learning how to express yourself and feeling safe doing it.  Right when it’s about to do it, there’s a little constriction and shrinkage.  But, I see your truth in there.  It’s a beautiful green.  I see you doing this through writing.  Writing with a vengeance without monitoring it or editing it.  I see this beautiful blue bottle.  Like it’s literally bottled up.  It’s all that’s inside you.  There’s so much that wants to be expressed.   I see you writing dreams, fears, apprehensions, losses, grievances, anger.

The first step is to write, to gain better clarity of who you are and how to portray yourself and to express yourself…like, “How would I like to see myself?”  This will be like a guided imagery.

I see greener pastures, opportunities for you to show who you are and feel safer.  A good freedom to write.  I see  wings around your throat now which symbolize freedom.

I see you when you were five years old.  You were very creative and your voice wasn’t listened to or cared for.  Maybe you could have an inner dialogue with this little girl and listen to all she has to say.

I hear laughter and singing.  Both good for that chakra.