
Hi, my name is Chelsea.  The SoulBeautiful blog is a blog about my journey as a Medical Intuitive Student.  Feel free to join me.  I am learning how to listen to my intuition, read energy and heal along the way.  I will be sharing some of what I am learning so you can learn too.  Anyone can do this.  It is not a gift to be clairvoyant or psychic or to read energy.  It is something that is within everyone.  It is your choice if you want to use it or not.  Please take what serves you and leave the rest.  The class I am attending is at the Sage School of Light if you are interested in joining.

More about me:

I am a California native, a surfer, artist, mother, wife, friend, sister, musician, eternal student, a teacher… I have a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential.  I worked in Social Services for almost a decade and now am on a path living a more authentic and creative life.  I had a strict Christian upbringing and I never felt comfortable with the religion I was raised in.  In my twenties, I finally left that religion after studying different philosophies, Buddhism and the origins of Christianity.  Years later, I discovered metaphysics and it has changes me life.  I am a Master Reiki Practitioner and have studied to teach yoga.  I am reconnecting to my self as I truly am.  In doing that, I am reconnecting with Source (or God) or what I like to call universal love and light.  I am love and light.


“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising and gave it neither power nor time.”

-Mary Oliver