We Are Loved



As part of the Medical Intuitive class I’m taking, once a week we partner with another student and we practice reading each other’s energy.  Eventually each of us will have our own Intuitive practice where we give readings as a profession.  I am amazed at how the information comes and at how accurate it is.  My partners don’t know me and I don’t know them.  Yes we attend a conference call class once a week, but they don’t know the details of my life.  I have gotten profound readings with precise accuracy from my classmates and I have given them the same.

I wanted to share some information I received during one of the readings I was giving because it had a significant impact on me.  As I was reading into what was blocking my partner’s connection to Source or God Energy, I saw her mother there.  My partner did not feel loved or cared for and didn’t get the kind of attention she longed for at a young age.  This had carried with her into teenage years and was still there now as I was reading her energy at that moment.  I sympathized because I did not have a close or functional relationship with my own mom.  I’ve personally done a lot of healing in my life with that.  I love my mom very much and through Buddhism learned compassion and that everything in our past makes us who we are today in the present.  Living with our thoughts focused on suffering from the past or worrying about the future is futile.  All we truly have is this very moment of existence.  Although I made peace with my mom in many ways, different experiences have a way of peeling layers off like an onion only to reveal more that needs to heal.

As my partner was then energetically aligned with Source or God Energy, I was able to see what she needed to heal from this.  I was emotionally overwhelmed with a knowing that we are innately cared for and attended to by this energy which we share with Source, our guides, our angels.  Every breath we take down to every cell dividing in our bodies.  Every part of our existence matters and is cared for.  It may not have been by a certain person in your life and that’s ok.  It doesn’t have to be because it already is.

Love and Light.


Awakening Your Soul to be Indigo-Wise


This week in my Medical Intuitive class, our teacher channeled Soul Council which is made up of the Archangels.  As they came into our energy they brought in Indigo Light.  As Robin lead us through a guided meditation while channeling the Soul Council I felt a sense of calm and support.  I felt a sense of warmth and unconditional love.  I felt them surround me with the Indigo Light as they told me I was loved and all my hearts desires were important.  They assured me that my heart’s desires would be taken care of and I felt a sense of relief that I didn’t need to worry about them anymore.  I was embraced by feelings of hope, trust, love and the divine.  Being Indigo-wise is knowing that you are whole, you are love and you are supported in all that you do from your heart.

I’ve been working with the Archangels a lot lately.  I ask them to watch over my children while I’m not with them.  I ask them for signs with a certain direction I’ve been taking in my life to know I’m on the right path.  They offer so much guidance and healing.  The Archangels are here just for us as a direct communication to God or Source.  Ask to feel the Indigo light, ask them to surround you and thank them in return.


Healing With an Elemental

humming bird

                                                                                                                                                                                   photo: Roger Burkhard (unsplash.com)

I’m learning so much in my Medical Intuitive class.  This week our “fun work” was to meditate and work with an elemental sprite named Nimble.  I had never heard of elementals or sprites, so this was all new to me.  I’m also keeping an open mind and remembering to “trust”.  In the metaphysic world, elementals are nature spirits.  Nature spirits are made of the four elements of earth, water, fire and air: gnomes, sprites, devas and fairies are among a few of them.  Elementals are connected to mother earth and work with her directly.  From my experience this week, they are powerful healers.

Our teacher, Robin, introduced us to a sprite in class named Nimble.  As I asked her to show herself to me, I saw a small bright white light in my mind’s eye.  She resembled a sparkly white fairy and moved like a humming bird.  I couldn’t help but feel immediately uplifted when I felt her energy.  I asked her which element she worked with and I clearly got water.  Each day this week, as a class, we meditated and connected with Nimble.   My experience with her was healing and beautiful each time.  As I first connected with her, I felt a cleansing with water.  I felt myself energetically dive into water head first, feeling it cleanse my energy all the way past my toes.  I also felt her use oxygen for healing.  It felt like she was blowing energized oxygen into my aura from my crown chakra.  She showed me images from the day where I was out in nature and reminded me how good it felt.  She explained that when we are in nature, we are directly connected to Source (or God) and Mother Earth.  Nimble also left me with a sense that she closely communicates with animals.  Lastly, she gave me another sort of healing which cleansed my energy and left me feeling balanced.  This was a scan from head to toe with energy that Nimble flowed through her.  I also saw her doing this to trees and animals, so she heals those as well.

I thanked Nimble for the healings and for sharing her massages with me.  I look forward to working with her again soon.

Love and  Light,


My Master Guide: Yen


Continuing with my “fun-work” for my Medical Intuitive class, this week our teacher asked us to connect with our life long spirit guide and to blog about it.  I will write another blog with some helpful tips on how you can do this if you don’t know how and would like to try for yourself.  But, for now, here is how I met my Master Guide and what he shared with me this week.

I first became aware of my Master Guide during a reading with Ms. Lee.  For my 35th birthday, I wanted to see a psychic.  Growing up with a strict Christian upbringing, I was taught that was evil.  I knew in my heart that was not right and I wanted to see for myself.  I was so nervous and excited!  During my reading, it was clear she was communicating with someone or something unseen.  Keep in mind, I have had almost a decade of experience working with people who have mental illness, so I can tell you she was not hallucinating or psychotic.  After my reading, I asked her who she was communicating with.  I expecting it to be my deceased Grandfather because she knew such specific things about me.  However, she gently told me it was my spirit guide.  She said he was a man who appeared to be in his 40’s and looked like a monk.  She explained a spirit guide is someone who we have known in a past life who contracts with us before this lifetime, to guide us.  At this point, I had studied Buddhism, but was never particularly attracted to the idea of past lives.  But, I kept an open mind because like I said, it was clear she was honestly communicating with someone that knew me to the very core.  This experience sparked my interest and I began reading books and watching past life regressions on Youtube.

A few months later, I was in my Advanced Reiki training, relaxing in our final meditation for the day.  Our teacher, Tony Giuffreda, who was leading the meditation guided us to meet a guide, whomever it may be.  I was greeted by the same guide Ms. Lee described.  I don’t remember exactly what he said to me, but I remember his presence which was very peaceful, calming and loving.  At the end of the meditation, Tony guided us to ask our guide his/her name.  A bunch of names crammed into my brain as if I was searching for one.  I relaxed and decided I would try later on my own when I didn’t feel like it was so forced.  Just then, as the meditation was ending, I heard,”My name is Yen.”  It was clear and profound.  Yen.

Probably over a year later, I found the School of Multidimensional Healing Arts and Sciences through a friend who had turned me onto meetup.com.  I first attended a meditation and channeling class by Frances Pullin.  At the beginning of the class, Frances led us through a beautiful meditation where she invited an energy to meet us.  This could be a guide, an angel, a relative, whatever or whomever needed to comes to us in the meditation.  Yen was the first to come to me in my first class with Frances.  After the mediations, we would write in our journals.  Yen told me we had a significant lifetime as monks in the Himalayans.  I wrote down exactly what he told me, not having any previous knowledge of monks living in the Himalayas.  He always wears a burnt orange colored robe when I meet with him.  Since then, I can meditate and ask him to be with me or sometimes he shows up on his own.

This week, for my “fun-work”, I asked him how long we have known each other and he told me millions, billions of years, since the dawn of time.  I asked him what his expertise was and he replied “spiritual enlightenment.”  I asked what he is helping me with most in this lifetime and he replied, “To guide you on your path you have chosen for this lifetime…one of love and compassion, healing yourself and helping others to heal.”   I also asked him for some current information that would help my life flow.  This was his reply:

“All the answers are within.  When you look within, connecting to your guides and your higher Self, you can find all the answers to life’s questions.  You are not alone.  No one is.  You never have to scramble and search for answers.  All you have to do is slow down and connect with your Self.  Love comes from within.  Joy comes from within.  Contentment comes from within.  Laugh.  Enjoy life.  It is short and before you know it, you are a spirit again…which is beautiful too.”


Love and Light,



Connecting to Your Higher Self



This week for our “fun work” in my medical intuitive class, our teacher Robin asked us to connect to our higher self and ask the question, “What happens when the soul transitions after this life?”  We practiced in class the week before, so I will explain some simple steps that can help you to connect with your higher Self.  After, I will tell you the answer I received.

  1.  Find a quiet place where you can meditate and relax.
  2. Begin a simple meditation of slowing your breath and connecting to the core of the Earth with a grounding cord. ( See my blog post on Rainbow Aura meditation for an easy meditation.)
  3. (*Optional) Clear your chakras, one at a time, opening your crown chakra and connecting to Source.
  4. Fill your Self with light.
  5. Say a simple and authentic prayer, asking to be connected to your highest Self and to be protected, only allowing positive energy into your space.
  6. Relax with no expectations and ask your higher self a simple question.
  7. With an open heart, listen without judgement. Record your impressions in your journal.
  8. Thank your higher Self, Source (or God or whatever name you choose) and any other entities.
  9. Fill yourself with light and TRUST.

What happens after the soul transitions after this life?

You can ask this question for yourself, but here is what I got in a condensed version.  After feeling a connection to my higher Self, I asked myself the question: What happens after the soul transitions?  I began to see myself as if about to transition from this life.  I saw my soul rise from my body as if to sit-up from the laying position.  There were many souls there to greet me, smiling and filled with joy.  The area got brighter as a light and a pathway opened.  The souls and I all went in this direction.  The vibration was high and peaceful.  The area seemed to be made of light that was white, but iridescent like an opal.  There were many more souls there to greet us.  In my mind’s eye, these took the form of humans like us, but made of light.  Everyone was smiling, filled with love and exuberance.  I got the feeling of “We can’t wait to show you all the things we’ve been working on!” and “We’ve missed you!!”  They showed me important moments from my life on what felt like a big projector.  They said, “Here’s where so-and-so did this important thing in your life…and here’s where you learned this important lesson.”  I then saw myself as soul spirit, back on earth consoling people mourning the loss of me.  I also saw my soul being present for important events of loved ones on earth, like the birth of a baby or helping two people meet or some situation that needed to take place.  I got the impression that after we transition, this place of light was made up of just that.  It didn’t feel physical like earth, it felt like energy.  It was truly beautiful.

Love and Light,






Simple 3 Step Rainbow Aura Meditation

rainbow aura

As part of our “funwork” for our Medical Intuitive class, we meditate daily.  We started with 5 minutes per day.  I am not perfect, but I try to at least get  five days in per week.  Just this simple behavior creates a drastic shift in your life.  If you do this, you will find an obvious increase in your intuition and a calmness in the noise all around you.  Last week, our teacher, Robin, asked us to come up with our very own meditation tool.  This one came to me right away.  You can do this meditation anywhere and any time.  Here are the 3 Simple Steps to my Rainbow Aura Meditation.

Find yourself a quite place to sit or lay down.  *You can also do just the rainbow aura tool while you are waiting for something during the day or even standing in line somewhere.

  1. Begin to slow your breath.  You can count evenly as you inhale and exhale if this helps.  As your breath slows, breathe normally and effortlessly.
  2. Imagine an old tree root connecting you from your tailbone or the soles of your feet that grows all the way through the layers of the earth, down to the earth’s core.  As it wraps around the core, you are being connected to Mother earth and will feel a sense of grounding and security.
  3. As you are connected to the earth, imagine the energy of the earth.  Just like the earth, it lives and breathes.  This glowing energy accumulates into your grounding chord, running up into your aura in the form of a beautiful rainbow.  As it fills your aura and your body, it balances it.  Bringing more of whatever color you need or lessening any colors that are out of balance.  Let it energize you as long as you need.  It is a never-ending, continuously flowing source of energy.

As you slowly blink your eyes open, you feel balanced and refreshed.


Love and Light,


Where to Begin…

For my 35th birthday I wanted to do two things for myself: get a new tattoo and see a psychic.  I was nervous and excited about both.  Growing up with a strict Christian upbringing, I was taught psychics were of the devil and evil.  I had left the religion many years ago.  I had also left the old belief systems however, I still had some subconscious fears lingering.  I was referred to Ms. Lee from a friend and nervously awaited my appointment with the psychic.  My heart was racing, afraid of what she might tell me.  I went in with no expectations.  During my reading I was blown away.  It was clear she was communicating with something that I could not see.  Later, when I asked her, she said she was communicating with my spirit guide.  I asked her what this was, assuming it was a deceased relative, however she told me otherwise.  A spirit guide is someone we have known in a previous lifetime whom we had contracted with to guide us in this life.  I had never heard of this before, nor had I been particularly attracted to the idea of past lives although I had studied them somewhat when I discovered Buddhism.

Left with a feeling of wanting more, I had a lot to think about.  A few days later, I was at the library with my kids.  As we went to leave, I saw a book sitting on a shelf as if someone had left it.  It was Your Psychic Self, by Melissa Alvarez.  I looked around to make sure it didn’t belong to anyone.  It was so strange how it was sitting there out of place as if it was asking me to read it.  I ended up taking it home with me that day and eating up every word.  This was the beginning of my journey into metaphysics and the journey back to my self.

Fast forward a couple years and I am now six months into a Medical Intuitive class.  As part of our “fun work” I am being held accountable each week to meditate daily.  This has been the most effective tool to connect with my higher self or my soul and to connect with Source.  Whenever I use the word Source, I am referring to what some people call God or universal energy/life force.  Doing this is very easy.  You can simply sit or lay in a quiet place and close your eyes and listen to the sound of your breath going in and out.  More to come on meditation and the tools we are using to connect to the energy of Source which is in all of us.  We are one.