Healing With an Elemental

humming bird

                                                                                                                                                                                   photo: Roger Burkhard (unsplash.com)

I’m learning so much in my Medical Intuitive class.  This week our “fun work” was to meditate and work with an elemental sprite named Nimble.  I had never heard of elementals or sprites, so this was all new to me.  I’m also keeping an open mind and remembering to “trust”.  In the metaphysic world, elementals are nature spirits.  Nature spirits are made of the four elements of earth, water, fire and air: gnomes, sprites, devas and fairies are among a few of them.  Elementals are connected to mother earth and work with her directly.  From my experience this week, they are powerful healers.

Our teacher, Robin, introduced us to a sprite in class named Nimble.  As I asked her to show herself to me, I saw a small bright white light in my mind’s eye.  She resembled a sparkly white fairy and moved like a humming bird.  I couldn’t help but feel immediately uplifted when I felt her energy.  I asked her which element she worked with and I clearly got water.  Each day this week, as a class, we meditated and connected with Nimble.   My experience with her was healing and beautiful each time.  As I first connected with her, I felt a cleansing with water.  I felt myself energetically dive into water head first, feeling it cleanse my energy all the way past my toes.  I also felt her use oxygen for healing.  It felt like she was blowing energized oxygen into my aura from my crown chakra.  She showed me images from the day where I was out in nature and reminded me how good it felt.  She explained that when we are in nature, we are directly connected to Source (or God) and Mother Earth.  Nimble also left me with a sense that she closely communicates with animals.  Lastly, she gave me another sort of healing which cleansed my energy and left me feeling balanced.  This was a scan from head to toe with energy that Nimble flowed through her.  I also saw her doing this to trees and animals, so she heals those as well.

I thanked Nimble for the healings and for sharing her massages with me.  I look forward to working with her again soon.

Love and  Light,
